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25.04.2016 11:26:16
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Leicester dobil svojo navijaško himno (video)

Vsak velik klub mora imeti več različnih himen in nič drugače ni z Leicestrom.

Leicester že ima uradno klubsko himno, za zanimivo in na trenutke zabavno pesem pa so poskrbeli navijači Leicestra, ki so svojim junakom posvetili pesem, ki gre hitro v ušesa. Če ste tudi sami postali ljubitelj velike angleške senzacije, potem vam bo pesem zagotovo všeč. 

Cos we’re the blues
We’re the blues
We’re the foxes
And we break all the rules
Cos we’re the blues
We’re the blues
We’ve got so many goal scorers we cant lose

We’ve got Albrighton on the left
We’ve got Mahrez on the right
Drinkwater to Vardy
Now he’s got the goal in sight
A team full of passion
A team full of pride
We put all the clubs to shame
So we’re drinking all your pints

Cos we’re the blues
We’re the blues
We’re the foxes
And we break all the rules
Cos we’re the blues
We’re the blues
We’ve got so many goal scorers we cant lose

Schemeichel in goal
He looks 10ft tall
He keeps his clean sheet
When Huth’s in the wall
When Kante’s on the ball
Everything’s okay
If you want your team to lose
Bring ’em down to Filbert Way

Cos we’re the blues
We’re the blues
We’re the foxes
And we break all the rules
Cos we’re the blues
We’re the blues
We’ve got so many goal scorers we cant lose

Ranieri running the show
But you already know
He made us believe
What we can achieve
They said 5000/1
Surely that was worth a punt
We are Leicester City
And we do what we want!

Cos we’re the blues
We’re the blues
We’re the foxes
And we break all the rules
Cos we’re the blues
We’re the blues
We’ve got so many goal scorers we cant lose

The great escape was vital
Now we’re gonna win the title!
The great escape was vital
Now we’re gonna win the title!
The great escape was vital
Now we’re gonna win the title!