Australia, Djokovic bloccato in aereo: problemi con il visto. Le news LIVE: Una disputa sui visti sta creando qualche problema all'ingresso in Australia di Novak Djokovic, giunto in aereo a Melbourne in vista della sua partecipazione agli Open…

— sportlive (@sportli26181512) January 5, 2022

This is getting very messy now. If my information is correct, I believe Djokovic has literally just landed at Melbourne in the past few minutes...

— Stuart Fraser (@stu_fraser) January 5, 2022

Update on #AusOpen2022

The Federal Government has asked if we will support Novak Djokovic’s visa application to enter Australia.

We will not be providing Novak Djokovic with individual visa application support to participate in the 2022 Australian Open Grand Slam.


— Jaala Pulford MP (@JaalaPulford) January 5, 2022